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Awesome Life Project

We all feel stressed sometimes. Most of us have points where we question whether we're reaching our full potential.

We worry about what's normal and try to live up to society's expectations. At the same time we're trying to fit their mold we are torn down and devalued by it. There's always someone ready to kick you when you're down.

Getting knocked down, falling or getting lost on the journey once isn't a failure. It's a mile on the road to success and the journey of life.

We can only know our own strength when we have to find and use it. We only see miracles and tender mercies when we most need them.

Our talents, strengths, qualities and virtues are developed as we are faced with our own imperfections.

When we come to this earth we can't walk, feed ourselves or do anything. We are completely helpless until we develop and learn those skills.

Before a concert pianist can sell out theatres they spend years focusing on that skill and developing that talent.

An artist spends a lifetime trying to capture the masterpiece within them. Some never appreciated or discovered by the masses. That doesn't make the masterpiece any less beautiful. It doesn't make the artist any less creative.

Just like you didn't know you could ride a bike before you did it, you never know what other talents lie inside you.

Life changes and so do you as you discover the talents you have and turn weakness into strength.

You may be a million miles from where you thought you'd be at this moment in life. That doesn't mean you're not exactly where you need to be for your spirit to reach it's full potential.

The Awesome Life Project is a resource and network about celebrating who you are. It's about exploring goals, and learning to find joy in sharing the talents you have.

It's about celebrating you. Your success, your strengths, your tenacity.

It's not about having a perfect life. It's about finding joy and purpose when you don't have the perfect life.

I'm a few years away from 50. That's hard to believe. There were days and years that seemed like they'd never end. Yet the years have passed like a locomotive charging silently down a track. Every once in a while someone would throw a switch and life heads down another track.

I've decided to stop sitting on the observation deck and become the conductor of my time left on earth. No matter what your situation, there are ways to make it an imperfectly awesome life!

You just have to consciously make each moment count. Not by stressing yourself out trying to be someone you're not but by learning to love who you really are. It's about celebrating you and your imperfectly awesome life.

We see trolls on the internet who try to attack self-esteem and tear others down. #AwesomeLifeProject is about spreading positivity. It's about lifting each other up when we fall and celebrating our individual worth and gifts.

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